Monday 25 March 2013

Free Bag

Step 1: Login
Step 2: Visit this link:
Step 3: This will direct you to the gift card page
Step 4: Scroll down and in the 'Reddem a gift code ' type in this code:


Step 5: Click the Redeem button
Step 6: Go back to your suite and bag should be there!

Free Helicopter

Step 1: Login
Step 2: Visit this link:
Step 3: This will direct you to the Disney Website on Jessie
Step 4: Leave the page and go back to your suite 
Step 5: The helicopter should be in your suite!!

Sorry guys i haven't been on my GCSE are around the corner and i NEED TO REVISE... I SUGGEST if you are in an IMPORTANT YEAR like YR 11 on wards , you should get off stardoll and revise LOL (Only joking)

Have fun and thanks for all the lovely comment. Much appreciated from each and every one of you guys 

Sunday 5 February 2012

Free Jacqueline Wilson t-shirt

Step 1: Login
Step 2: Visit this link:
Step3: Scroll down and enter the competition by putting in any answer and fake details
Step 4: The t-shirt should be in your suite!!

Free Lamp

This the the 5th Day for the Safer internet Campaign 2012

Step 1: Login
Step 2: Click on this link:
Step 3: Click on the 5
Step 4: Answer the question
the right answer is 2nd one:
Click on the answer button and this box should appear:
That is it your lamp should be in your suite!!!

Free 50 Starcoins

This is the 4th Day for the Safer Internet Campaign 2012.......You get 50 starcoins

Step 1: Login
Step 2: Click on this link:
Step 3: Click on 4
Step 4: Answer the question 
the right answer is the 3rd one:

Click on the answer Button and this box should appear:

That is it go back to your suite or refresh and u should have 50 sc

Free Vase

This is 3rd day for the Safer internet Campaign 2012

Step 1: Login
Step 2: Click on this link:
Step 3: Click on the 3
Step 4: Answer the question
The right answer is the first one:
Click on the answer Button and this box should appear:
That is it go back to your suite and the vase should be there!! 

Free 50 Starcoins

This is  the 2nd day for the Safer internet campaign 2012. You will receive 50 SC

Step 1: Login
Step 2: Visit this link:
Step 3: Click on 2
Step 4: Answer the question:
the right answer is the 2nd answer:
Click on the answer button and this box should appear:
That is it go to your suite and/or click refresh and  you should have 50SC